New York city skyline on a cloudy night

Total Property Value

Nareit analysis of S&P Capital IQ Pro data, member company data, and market capitalization from Factset.


Number of Properties

Nareit analysis of S&P Capital IQ Pro and member company data.


Economic Contribution in Full Time Equivalent Employees

EY, Economic contribution of REITs in the United States in 2023, September 2024.


Share of Households Invested in REITs

Nareit Research Note, 170 Million Americans Own REIT Stocks, January 2024.


REITs Headquartered

Nareit membership directory.


REITs Owning Property by State

Nareit analysis of S&P Capital IQ Pro and member company data.


EY, Economic contribution of REITs in the United States in 2022, November 2023.


Breakdown by Sector

Nareit analysis of S&P Capital IQ Pro and member company data.